Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Our Story

February 13, 2015 is the day our world completely changed. It changed for my momma Kristy, myself, (Lynnelle) and my siblings Aaron and Heather. The effects of this are far reaching and we hope that our story can uplift everyone it touches. This is OUR story and we are so honored and privileged to share it!

LUCKY (FEB.) 13!

It is difficult to describe the emotions, feelings and thoughts that have filled our minds and hearts in the last few weeks. There are countless tender mercies leading up to that day, all contributing to this life changing event. We continue to be amazed as we talk, laugh and cry about all of it.
 On Feb 13th, our older brother who had been adopted, whom we had never known, found our family! He found his momma, and he found his three siblings. Over 20 years of searching for his family, culminated in both a Family History and Facebook connection story that blows our minds.
How did this happen? This is a story of miracles!
Thad was lovingly given an adoptive family right after his birth in 1968. His was a typical closed adoption. No information was supposed to have been given to his adoptive parents about his birth mother. BUT a slip of paper with his birth mother’s signature, Kristy Kindred, was in the file they received from the hospital. Holding that name close to their hearts, his parents always let Thad know that he was loved and that he was adopted. When he was a teenager, his parents gave him the name of his momma. From that time on, Thad knew he would find her somehow, somewhere, sometime.
Thad has been actively searching for this part of his family (namely our momma) for over 20 years.-- Even registering on Oprah’s Big Hugs internet site with the little information he had many years ago.
Fast forward several years….Thad’s father Jay, an avid Family History user, was perusing the obituaries and saw the article written for our grandfather Ted Kindred, which listed our mother as one of four surviving children. Gathering all the information they could at the time, Thad and his dad were able to find contact information for momma’s brothers, Evan and Bob but nothing for her sister Valerie or for her. Nervous about walking into a situation where he wasn’t sure if he was wanted, he held onto that contact information for several months. Finally feeling ready and with the encouragement of his sweet wife Jennifer, he made the calls. Both numbers were disconnected. He had hit a dead end.
Fast forward another 10 or so years to February 2015. After the death of our grandmother Iris Kindred in January 2015, her obituary was printed in the paper. Again listed as a survivor, was our mother. Also, someone took a picture and categorized the gravesite and it was listed in a search engine. Thad’s father saw momma’s name in both places in early February and made a note to discuss this with him.

Momma's mother, Iris Kindred passed away in January of 2015. As she and her siblings gathered to visit and manage the details of her funeral, momma took some time to discuss with them the feelings she was having to find her son. She wanted to consider their feelings and counsel. She wanted to know that it was ok with them, because she didn't know what kind of repercussions her finding him would have on the family and extended family. They all gave her their blessing and were very supportive! Her interest in finding him was more than an idle curiosity at this time... she was feeing drawn in this direction, being pulled by the spirit to be ready.
On Feb 6th, Thad took lunch up to his parent’s home and his father said, “Thad I think I’ve found your mother!” He showed him the stack of papers with the information about grandma’s death, her obituary and gravesite and the listing about momma as one of the surviving children.
Excited to have another lead after so long, Thad immediately took that information home and started searching on Facebook for momma. He didn’t find her, she does not have a FB account. BUT he did find our step-father Joe Nicolich who hadn’t posted anything for 2 years but had 36 friends. “I knew I could totally search 36 friends, ” Thad said. As he began to search, the same names kept popping up--names that he recognized from grandma and grandpa’s obituaries. Trying to keep the connections straight, he kept thinking, “This has got to be it, this has got to be my family!” Because our momma had remarried, (without Thad knowing of course) he thought that our step-brother Bill Nicolich might be his brother. Thad had been raised with three wonderful older sisters and the thought that he might have a brother was totally exciting for him!
Wanting to be as thorough as possible, Thad clicked on Bill’s wife Emily’s profile and the most unexpected thing happened….it listed ONE MUTUAL FRIEND. AND not just one random mutual friend, but it was a girl he had dated in High School and had a great relationship with! Incredulous, nervous and hopeful, he contacted Heidi (Brown) Chamberlin with a PM stating, “This is going to sound strange, but I have reason to believe that you might be the link to finding my birth family”. Heidi was wonderful and called Thad right away telling him that not only was Emily a friend of hers, but that she was her cousin!
He asked if she would be willing to introduce him and pass a letter on to Emily. She said she would be happy to do anything she could to help him. Thad wrote a careful, tender letter explaining who he was and why he had reason to believe that Emily was family and that Bill was his half-brother and that her mother-in-law was his momma. He was careful to relate that he had no intention of disrupting the lives of anyone involved. He had been through so much already looking for years and just wondering and hoping. He would completely understand if there was a hesitation in contacting him back.
A kind reply came quickly from Emily explaining that Kristy was indeed related, but that she was her step mother-in-law and thus Bill wasn’t a blood-related brother. BUT she also related that she would be happy to help, provided Thad could provide details that could prove more reliably that he was indeed her son. The careful manner in which Emily handled the situation was reassuring to Thad and he provided her with all of the details he had gathered.

Momma said about this week of letter exchanges "Thad I love you so much!!! Your letters back and forth to Emily and Heidi...oh my gosh!?!!!?? How did you ever endure?? Courageous endurance, heart prayers, sheer committed determined will!"
Emily took that letter and made a phone call to momma in the morning of Feb 13th, 2015. After going over the details she had been provided with, Emily tenderly asked, Kristy do you know anything about this? “Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.” Emily gave momma the contact information Thad had provided and they hung up the phone.
Mom immediately related the information to her husband, Joe Nicolich and asked what he thought she should do. He said, “You’ve wanted to know about this for a very long time and what do you have to lose?” Knowing this was true, she dialed the phone number provided. It went to Thad’s voice mail and she left a message...something like, “Thad, this is your Kristy Kindred, and we need to talk.” Thad was working at the time and when he saw a (208) number come in, he thought it was a dealer that he works with in Idaho. It never crossed his mind that his mother that lived in Illinois would have a (208) number!
About 15 minutes later when he got around to listening to the message, he said he couldn’t believe his ears!! “My dog probably thought I was having a heart attack I was crying and yelling, NO WAY!!! I FOUND HER!!! I REALLY FINALLY FOUND HER!!! He was pacing, crying and laughing because he was so overcome with emotion!!” Finally after about 45 minutes when he was able to compose himself, he called momma back. What happened there could only be described as pure joy. Both of them were so incredibly happy about finding one another! Tears, laughter, silent times --trying to hold the emotion, it was a once in a lifetime moment. She had hoped, prayed and waited for this day since the birth of that sweet baby. It was divine intervention and absolutely another miracle in our story.
Among many other things, one of the things Thad asked about was whether he had any siblings. Mom replied, “Yes, you have 2 sisters and 1 brother and I’m sure that they would be so happy to talk with you.” When they hung up the phone, Thad contacted all three of us on Facebook saying “Hello, I am so overcome with emotion right now. I just had an amazing conversation with Kristy. I just want you to know how much this means to me. You are welcome to contact me at any time day or night. I look forward to talking with you.”
In the meantime, mom contacted Heather and left a voice-mail for Aaron and I to call her. Heather said she immediately knew something really, really important was happening! The emotion and happiness in momma’s voice was tangible. Heather said, "I knew this was it. I tried to be strong for momma but I immediately started sobbing with her. I had never experienced anything like this in my life. I had no words, and it felt incredible. I was SOOO happy for my mom. I was SOOO happy for Thad. I could not imagine what they must be feeling if I was feeling this way. Just a few short weeks earlier mom had shared with each of us kids that she NEEDED to find him. She said it was time to really search for him. The timing was finally right and we needed to take heed. We talked a little more about it and I had an overwhelming sense of peace fill my soul." Shortly after, Thad and Heather exchanged a few messages via Facebook. She still could not believe this was happening.
I was in a class in Denver, actually staying with Aaron when mom called. I got her voice mail to call her and texted back that I was in the middle of class and would call when I was on break. But then I had the strongest impression to just go call her back. So I left class to do it. When she answered, she said, “Lynnelle you’ll never guess who I talked with this morning!” “Who?” “Your brother!” “My brother? I’m staying with Aaron this week for class… I talked to him too!” “No, your other brother!.............” I immediately dissolved into tears. I was so overcome that I couldn’t even really talk for a minute! “REALLY???” She then related the previous story and I just wept with her over the phone.
For me, this moment was HUGE!!! I had known I had a brother somewhere out there for 30 years, and he was a constant part of my thought processes. I had had dreams about him when I was really little before I even knew he was real, I wrote journals addressed to “my older brother” as a teenager and generally turned to him in silent conversation about a million times over the years when I needed someone to listen. The thought that my brother was truly still alive and wanting to be in contact, was overwhelming to me. I could hardly believe it. All I could do was cry! When I hung up the phone with momma, I was so incredibly happy for her. I kept thinking what a miracle for her, what a miracle for Thad and what a miracle for us. I knew that in the last couple of years, we had talked several times about trying to look for him. Recently mom had mentioned that she really felt like she needed to look in earnest. We honestly thought we would be the one's finding him! To have him find us was so unexpected and wonderful!
After class, I drove home to Aaron’s house and when I heard he was on the phone with mom, I ran straight upstairs to hear what he thought about it all. He was still on and was talking to momma with the caution everyone should approach in a situation like this. He wanted to make sure that we didn’t rush in and invest emotionally and physically in a relationship that we find out weeks later was a hoax. After hearing all of the details from mom however, it was apparent that this was a true situation. Thad Robison was our brother and WOW!! We wanted him in our lives too, just as much as he wanted us.
When Aaron hung up the phone, we just looked at each other and were like “Can you believe this has just happened?” We decided to get Heather on the phone and put her on speaker and talked with her for a while. All three of us just couldn’t believe it! We were so happy for momma, and curious for ourselves about him and wondering where this day’s information was going to take us! We discussed calling him. Should we all call him individually? Call him on a 3 way? Just Aaron and I call since we were there together???  We didn’t want to overwhelm him. We wanted to be careful. We wanted to do this right. There would never be another chance to do this the first time. 
Finally, Aaron and Heather decided that I should call him, being the oldest. BUT I couldn’t just do that with Aaron right there with me. So I told Aaron I’d wait until he returned home from the store so we could call together. I FB messaged Thad that we would be calling him in about 20 minutes and hoped that it could work for him. He said anytime would work for him.
When Aaron got home, we looked at one another and were like… are you ready for this???? Finally we dialed the number……….... and it went to Thad’s voicemail.
Luckily for us he called back in just a few minutes. We all said hello and then basically started crying. He immediately expressed his gratitude to us for being willing to contact him. He expressed his gratitude to momma and his thanks for his life. He had had a good life. His parents and sisters are incredible and have always treated him wonderfully. He had however always wondered about momma and whether he had any siblings. The pieces to his life puzzle were coming together very quickly.
After talking for a while, we asked him if he would be willing to let us get Heather on the phone as well. We didn’t want to be overwhelming with the three of us, but she was willing to get on the phone if he was ok with it. He was super excited for that to happen so we hung up and got Heather on and called him back.
The most surprising thing for every one of us was the “INSTANT” connection that we felt for one another when the 4 of us were all together on the phone. The spirit of family connection was beyond strong. The chemistry between us was unreal. It was as if a missing piece of US was found, for each of us. A piece we didn’t know the immensity of. We could not deny that connection. We heard his story from his words and were astonished. We cried and laughed together. We talked for 3 hours and it felt like 30 min.
Immediately plans were put into place to meet each other. Mom had mentioned over the phone to Thad that my son, Will was returning from his mission in Honduras the following week and would be reporting his mission that next Sunday, Feb. 21st. She would be there if he were to want to come up. I remember the conversation well. Thad wanted to come up and meet momma but was so incredibly kind about not wanting to take away from Will’s special weekend. I listened, but assured him that our family is one that believes in large family gatherings and that we’d love to have him and his family share that weekend.
Thad had a Film Tour premiere in North Carolina for his GeoBass series. Everything was already scheduled for that same weekend but he rescheduled his flights so that he could make the weekend visit happen in Boise.  Lots of phone calls and texts happened during the next week between all 5 of us! We kids were so excited for momma to have her moment with her son. We talked of nothing else all week together!
 I returned on Sunday night from Denver and our son, Will arrived home from Honduras on Thursday night. It was remarkable to have him home after 2 years! 

The house was prepared for guests and on Saturday afternoon, momma & Joe drove into my driveway! We got the cake and “welcome home signs” ready for Thad and Jennifer and their youngest daughter to arrive later that night!

We knew via text that they were getting close, and with every set of headlights, momma would stand up and look! Finally a set of headlights slowed down, passed the house, and then started to back up. Momma ran outside knowing it would be them.
Thad jumped out of the car and held momma. That was a sacred moment under the cold February stars.  They just held each other and wept. I can’t even imagine the feelings they were both feeling. It was a gift to witness. Momma Kristy said, “After such a long wait. It was a spiritual, magnetic and unstoppable first meeting. A complete envelopment of body and soul in an instant of eternal embrace and connection. We were flowing into each other’s smiling spirits. It was true love, now knowing that he is mine and I am his, finally together again after that beginning 46 years ago. It was happiness without bounds. That embrace was full of tears, gratitude, pure love, and then even more gratitude for God's timing under the starlit canopy of his creations. Such complete JOY. Our glasses both brimming full to overflowing all made possible by the grace of our loving Heavenly Father, His arms around us. Our new birth together. Our Lord Jesus Christ will be forever thanked for his hand in helping us to this place''.... all of these thoughts in just our first embrace...WOW!!!!!!!
Then it was my turn. I was able to hug my big brother for the first time. It was one of the most unique feelings I’ve ever experienced. After all of the years looking into the heavens and wishing I knew who and where he was, holding him under those stars for that moment was incredible. It was as if all of these empty places in my heart were being filled. Places that I had closed with so much hoping over the years. Conversations and songs I had shared with him across time and space filled my memory and I was so humbled to be right there in my driveway meeting him for real.
We all made it back into the house and the meeting of family began in earnest.

Over the weekend, stories, questions and pictures were shared.  We stayed up late, we used boxes of tissues and we started to learn about one another.
On Sunday, an unexpected moment changed all of us and gave us insight into how much Thad was already beginning to influence our family. Levi, my 16 year old was assigned to talk with Will for Will’s mission homecoming.

After starting his talk out lightheartedly about Will’s need to now focus on eternal marriage, he tenderly spoke about the miracle of Thad finding us, and about how much his and his family’s presence with us now felt so right and good.  He also said that he knew that the principle of Eternal Families is essential to our happiness and that having Thad back with us had made us all, including him, incredibly happy. All of us were crying again and it made me really stop and think about the influence that one good soul has on the lives of everyone around him. After church, we had a large crowd of family and friends come by to wish Will their congratulations on finishing his mission and congratulate us on our new family members! It was a loud and crazy afternoon.
Plans were made to get together the following weekend at Thad’s house about 5 hours away. Aaron already had a business trip scheduled in the area and Heather lived close by. They could take their turns meeting Thad. Then with momma, Joe, and I traveling down, we could all be together for the first time.
Aaron met Thad at his house after a conference he was speaking for in town. Two brothers united --can you imagine what that felt like? The surprise, the endless laughter as stories were multiplied and shared. Not a single break in the conversation as they discovered that they were both world travelers for their respective jobs. They have visited many of the same places and seen many of the same sites. They both love the out of doors. They are both Eagle Scouts. They have the same noses. Both so sincere and tender.  So many similarities, it goes on and on. The world is their playground and now they can share some of those experiences together!

Heather said of that weekend, “Even though I live the closest to Thad by distance, 26 miles, I was the last of us to meet him (you can call it torture)!!! I really wanted my mom to meet him first, I felt like that was the right thing and so I am happy that I waited. I knew the opportunity for us to meet would come soon enough and I just needed to be patient! I was so nervous. But I was even more excited! I could not wait to hug my brother. I could not wait to see him in person! I had tried to picture this moment before in the past. What would meeting him be like and feel like? 13 days after our first phone conversation, the actual moment was nothing short of wonderful. It was better than anything I could have ever imagined. It is an experience I will never soon forget. I have a vivid picture etched into my mind of our first moments together. He was so genuine. I knew he was indeed part of me. The bond was so real between us. That bond is priceless. I feel so blessed. I knew that was just the beginning of a deep friendship. I am very lucky and I am thankful to God for bringing us all together!

The night Heather met Thad was the first night we were all together. It was magical and we were all so happy.


We had two other dinners that weekend all together, one at Thad’s house to meet his treasures-- his children--  whom we already adore and love.

 We also had another dinner at his parent’s home to meet his parents and his siblings. What a treat to meet these amazing people who had raised our brother!!! More tears, more joy. More pieces of this once in a life time experience. They all love him so much. Watching them come together to celebrate with him was incredible.

Through all of these experiences, we have watched Thad's wife as she has nurtured the children and the situation beautifully. We have totally fallen in love with this woman who loves our brother and their children with an unselfish and pure heart!

The days had gone by and it was time to leave and I could hardly stand it. Aaron had flown out that morning, Heather went home but is close enough to visit often, and I had a 5 hour trip to make. Although we will continue to make memories and family connections, these first few times together will be forever burned into our minds and hearts. The goodness of God, and the trust in His timing continue to rattle around in my heart. In fact, the words in a hymn go like this…. “Leave to thy God to order and provide”. I can’t think of another phrase that echo better the sentiments of my heart about the timing and bounty of this experience.
Thad Robison, we are grateful for you--for your life, for your family for your journey and we can’t wait to make memories together for the rest of our lives!
(Kristy, Lynnelle, Aaron, Thad & Heather!)


My journey on this road of life began on November 5th 1968 when a beautiful young woman was faced with the most difficult of choices and placed her newborn baby up for adoption.  Knowing that she wanted this child to have the opportunity to live grow and be nurtured in a loving family environment took precedence as she made the ultimate sacrifice and placed her baby in the arms of strangers.

 I was handed into the loving arms of a mother and father along with 3 caring  sisters who gave what she wanted most for me, a family. As I grew up in Bountiful Utah I remember my mother telling me at a very young age, probably around 5 years old that I was adopted and that I was hers and that I just came to them in a different way, and that I was loved and cherished no differently than any of my sisters. I never felt otherwise and I am eternally grateful for the love, patience, opportunities and understanding that were given to me by my parents. They are, and always will be my family.

As they were always so forthcoming with me about my adoption the day came, sometime when I was in my early teens, when they told me more details about my adoption, how they were selected, what little they knew about my birth mother, that she was from California and then my parents gave me her name.  How they came across her name, as this was a closed adoption with no information about either party, was due do a clerical error when an adoption paper with Kristy’s name was accidentally added to the papers for my parents to sign.  For my entire life since then I carried the name of Kristine Kindred in my heart and thoughts.

About 20 years ago I felt the desire to try and search for my birth mother. I remember hearing about a website being promoted on the Oprah show called which was a site to help loved ones reunite. It was the early days of the internet and the site was archaic but I entered in limited search criteria such as my name, birth date, hospital of birth and my birth mother’s name. I wondered if Kristy or any siblings she may have had after my adoption might somehow be searching for me as well, and maybe they had heard of the website too and a match would eventually show up. I would check back every couple of days, then weeks, then months and eventually gave up.

About eight or nine years ago my father unknown to me was also doing his own search. He is a family research guru as he had been doing genealogy for our family history and would occasionally search the family name of Kindred. Through his research he came across the name of Ted Kindred and found his obituary, which listed his surviving family members including his wife Iris and their four children. After some diligence he was able to get addresses and phone numbers of Kristy’s two brothers, but nothing on Kristy. He printed off the information and gave it to me one day when I was at his house. He told me what he had found and that if I were interested in pursuing finding my birth mother that I had his blessing and that it was in my hands now. After sitting on the information for months I finally gained the courage to try and call the phone numbers that were listed for Kristy’s brothers. With my heart pounding and not really sure what I was going to say, my attempt at fist contact with the Kindred family resulted in both numbers being disconnected. My heart grew heavy and I was convinced that I would never find her. 

I remember reminiscing about Kristy, and I also knew in my heart that she continued on with her life, married and had other children of whom I thought about often, wondering who they were, what they were like and if they knew about me. Although I was the youngest in my adopted family, I knew I was the oldest of the family I did not know and I often pictured them in my mind and pondered about their lives as children and adults. I loved them even though I did not know them. I wondered if they were thinking of me when I was thinking of them as I would look into the night sky.

On February 6th of this year I drove up to my parents house to bring them lunch. Upon my arrival I noticed a small stack of papers neatly organized on the kitchen table. My father picked up the papers and said, “I have something for you.”  As I looked at the papers in his hand I saw the obituary of Iris Lynn Kindred who passed away on January 7th in Bountiful Utah, my hometown!? My father then said, “You can take them, or if you wish I can throw them away.” I took the papers from his hand and sat down on the chair, silently and carefully looking at each paper. Along with the obituary of Iris he had printed off papers with each of her children that contained their names and addresses, which he was able to obtain from  Then I came across a paper whose name at the top was Kristine Adams of Nauvoo IL, and behind it was the name of Joseph Nicolich of Nauvoo IL who was listed as her husband. I now had my mother’s full married name.  Emotions poured through my body.  I talked with my parents about what just transpired for the next hour. We finished lunch, I told them thank you, that I loved them and drove home with the papers on the seat next to me.

  Immediately upon returning home I went to my computer and started searching their names on Facebook. Nothing came up on Kristy, but I found a profile page on Joe, and the pieces of the puzzle almost instantly began to fall into place.  Joe’s friends list was short and almost strictly family members and as I searched though his friends the name Kindred, Nicolich and Adams were everywhere. I found Kristy’s brothers, their children and also Joe’s children, which at the time I wondered if they were my siblings. I franticly clicked on each of them to see if any would have a mutual Facebook friend of mine listed. I then clicked on Joe’s son Bill and then on Bill’s wife Emily and saw that Emily and I had 1 mutual friend. When I read the name my eyes could hardly believe what they were seeing.  The mutual friend was a sweet girl I dated at Bountiful High School back in 1986 Heidi Chamberlin, whom I have stayed in contact with throughout all these years! How could this be possible since Emily and Bill lived in Georgia, and Heidi lived in Seattle Washington? And how could Heidi be friends with Emily and what was the connection? My mind was blown and at this point I began to realize in my heart that there was a greater power intervening.  I sent Heidi a message and this is what I wrote,

February 9th,

Hi Heidi! Hey, I have a favor I need to ask of you. Long story short, and I can fill you in on the details later. I’m not sure if you knew this about me but I was adopted. I have been trying to find my birth mother for nearly 2 decades. After a lot of research and many dead ends some new information just came to light and I have a new lead and believe it or not you are a part of that. Crazy huh! I noticed that you have a friend on FB by the name of Emily Heisterman Nicolich. Not sure how well you know her but I saw that you liked a photo that she posed up yesterday so I’m hopeful you know her. Now, its not confirmed but I believe that her husband (Bill), his mother is my birthmother. Her name is Kristine (Kristy) Kindred Nicolich. I’m not 100% sure, but the research I have done is pointing in this direction. This is a really difficult situation because I don’t know for sure if Kristy is my mother and I don’t know that if she actually is, if she ever told any of her other children that she gave a child up for adoption. I don’t want to cause any family problems, but at the same time maybe she did? I’m trying to figure out the best way to try and establish contact and maybe talking to Emily first before she talks to Bill may be the best way??? It’s a little scary and nerve wracking. I’m sure Emily has no idea that Kristy gave a child up for adoption and it most definitely is a touchy subject, but maybe she can help me out. Anyway, if you would let me know if this is something you think you might be able to help facilitate. You can even call me or email me anytime.

I hope you and your girls are doing fantastic! Best Thad

 Heidi’s reply, February 9th

Hey Thad!

Wow, that's so exciting/scary/crazy! I can't even imagine the emotional journey you have lived through in your search for your mother.
I do know Emily! In fact, we're cousins.  I haven't actually seen her in years, and I really don't know Bill. She's great though, and I can only assume she'd be super supportive and helpful in welcoming and getting to know you!

Please let me know how I can best help and what you'd like me to do. I'm available to talk/text/email or whatever tonight or tomorrow during the day.

I hope you are able to find the answers and peace you are looking for and add to your beautiful family!

Talk soon! ~Heidi

I followed up with Heidi by asking her to send an email to Emily about my search, of which she forwarded the following note for me,

February 10th,

Hello Emily, 

I recently read the obituary about the passing of your husband’s grandmother Iris Lynn Kindred. She sounds like she was an amazing wonderful and talented woman. Her obituary was passed on to me from my father. My name is Thad Robison and I was born November 5th 1968 in Payson Utah and was adopted to Jay and Ramona Robison through a woman that I believe may be your mother in law, Kristine Kindred.

I am writing to you out of respect for Kristy, your husband and your family as I do not wish to cause any emotional distress and I’m not even 100% sure if I am following the correct lead. I have been searching for information about my birth parents for quite some time, nearly 20 years, and everything is pointing in this family direction. It is a sensitive and emotional topic without a doubt.

If indeed I have found right family, I would want to express my love and gratitude to Kristy for the sacrifice she made in giving me an opportunity to grow up in a loving and supportive family. Not only am I grateful for the courage and sacrifice she had to undertake at a difficult time in her life, I have never been resentful. She placed me in the arms of a loving mother and father who raised a boy to love his family and father in heaven. I’m not sure If she would even want to know that I have reached out to you, and I still question if I have reached the right family, or if I’m doing the right thing, but if indeed I have then I would appreciate you letting me know. 

I would love to make contact with her, but it obviously this is not something I would want to force. I am also worried that Bill and Kristy’s other children (Amanda?) she raised with Joe may not even know about my adoption. The last thing I would ever want in the world is to bring a skeleton out of the closet and blind side the family.

If anything I would want to pass this on from me to her.

There has been and always will be a special place of love in my heart for her.

If Kristine does not feel comfortable with establishing contact I understand. Some of the questions I have may be able to be answered through you, for instance family medical history as I have 6 children of my own and I have never been able to answer questions regarding past family medical history.

From what I have been told about Kristy, she met my father while she was attending school in California. I have also always wondered if I had other brothers or sisters and what they are like, where they live, their lives their family’s. Do we like the same music, food, movies. So many questions. It’s scary and exciting at the same time.

I currently reside in Salt Lake City and you may contact me through my facebook page at any time or through my email. 

The irony is that I grew up and lived in Bountiful literally straight up the road on 5th south from North Canyon Care Center where Iris passed away. I’m sure Kristy was here in Utah last month for her mother’s funeral.

Thank you for your time, and if I have missed the mark and contacted the wrong family please accept my apologies. I just don’t know where to go from this point. I thought the safest thing to do would be to reach out to you.

Best wishes & regards


 Emily’s reply, February 11th

Hello Thad!  My cousin Heidi speaks very highly of you.  This is a crazy scenario, but I'd love to try to help.  First off, I should tell you that Kristy is an amazing woman who I love dearly.  She is, indeed my mother in law, but a step mother in law.  She married my husband's father roughly 12 years ago.  So my husband, Bill and his siblings didn't grow up with her, but have enjoyed a lovely relationship in their adult life.  She does have other children, all of whom are lovely people. 

Before I go to her and ask her of this possibility, I would like to know how you have tracked your line to her.  After hearing some more details, if we both still think the connection is a real possibility, I will help make introductions.  I can't imagine what emotions you must be feeling at the thought of finally finding her.  I truly wish you the best and will await your response. 

Best wishes,
Emily Nicolich

After a couple more email exchanges two days later I received a call on February 13th which went to my voicemail, It was Kristy.  As I listened to the message I heard my mothers voice for the first time.

Oh you’re making me smile. This is Kristy Kindred Nicolich. Dear Emily gave me your phone number and I had to call. We should talk. Have a great day dear, bye.

Upon hearing the message I was overcome by insurmountable emotion. My heart nearly leapt from my chest and all I could do was cry. I called my wife Jennifer and all I could say was “ I found her!” Over and over again.  After taking some time to collect myself I called Kristy and for the next hour we spoke and cried.  I had finally found her. Many questions were asked stories told and then I asked her if I had any brothers or sisters. She said I did and that they were going to be thrilled about the news and that they were already on their own journey to help Kristy find her son and their brother. She told me their names, Lynnelle, Aaron and Heather and then she told me they all knew about me. All I could do was cry again. I asked her if she thought it would be okay for me to contact them and she said they would love to hear from you. Messages were sent and a phone call took place later that evening with my brother and sisters. Within minutes of the call I could feel a bond so strong between us it was beyond words.

What has transpired from that day can only be described as a miracle. It is as though the years that have separated us vanished.

When I try to explain to others what has just happened in my life I can only say this,

It was like I had jumped out of an airplane with a parachute on my back. I did not know if I was going to free fall for days months years or eventually hit the ground on my search, but as things were put into motion I looked to my side I saw my jump buddy and that person was God. He looked at me, gave a big smile and a thumbs up and then the parachute opened. I know I was not alone on this journey.
Kristy, Lynnelle, Aaron, Thad & Heather---Team KLATH!

A New Brother

This BLOG is to document the incredible story of our Family finding each other. We have done our very best to document things as accurately and time-related as possible.
The first story is Thad's ....As it should be, because ultimately, it is HIS diligence that created the possibility of this miracle at this time.
The second story is that of all of us on the other side.... his momma and his siblings. We have retold Thad's story applying our perspective. .sharing our experiences.
Throughout all of our stories lies an underlying theme of gratitude to God's grace. Trust in His timing and generosity. We all have the knowledge that the way this story unfolded and in what manner it will go forward is a gift from Him. We acknowledge this stewardship and we are Eternally grateful.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A New Adventure Began in February 2015

Have you EVER WONDERED what it would like to have a REAL experience that the movies are made of??? WELL GUESS WHAT??? WE just had one!! We just got ourselves a NEW brother!!

February 2015 was OUR month of miracles and we want to share the story with YOU! So we set up a blog to share the stories and pictures… BE READY…IT’s incredible, and the miracles are ALL true!

To read the story go to:
(KLATH stands for Kristy, Lynnelle, Aaron, Thad & Heather)

To find out more about our AMAZING new brother, Thad Robison, go to: